My Marriage Matters | Rise and Shine

We made a commitment early in our marriage to *attempt* to stay on the same page as much as possible. Our decision was to begin and end our day together. We go to bed together and rise together. Every. Day.

Some days it is not easy.
Let me back up, I have always been a night owl. My to-do list seems to get smaller in the evening. When we got married, I chose to shift my schedule. You see, Cody gets up super early. Each morning I wake up with him, make his breakfast and pack his lunch for work while he gets ready. When I share that with people I usually get a wide eyed reaction and something like, “SERIOUSLY?” Yes, seriously! My first priority is my relationship with the Lord. My second priority is my relationship with my husband. I am Cody’s one and only wife. I am his helper. It brings me joy serving him in this way. It is not always easy to wake up so early. (Most mornings I sneak back to bed for a few more minutes of pillow time!) I know that no matter how busy the day, I will always have a few moments of “us” time. Those moments are precious to me. Those moments are what help keep marriages healthy. Do you need to rise and shine with your spouse? What can you be doing to serve them?

Your Marriage Matters,

Jamie K!

About Jamie Delaney

Vibrant Portrait and Wedding Photographer in Manhattan, Kansas. Jesus Follower. Wife. Mom. Marriage Cheerleader. My desire is to see couples choose to make their marriage a priority. Here you will find encouragement for couples, healthy living tips and the photographic stories of my clients.

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