After we got Rex we quickly realized that he needed a friend. Okay, I need him to have a friend so I could get some work done! Rex is very smart and early on needed lots of tasks and training to keep his mind going. He got bored quickly and would chew, bark, bite….

I spend weeks looking online for the perfect puppy. One day I came across a picture of a puppy named, “Princess” through our local animal shelter. After a few motivational speeches, I convinced Cody to go look at her. When we arrived I fell in love. She had the softest hair and the sweetest personality. We wanted to make sure Rex and “Princess” would get along so we drove back home to get Rex. When we arrived at the shelter, the volunteer brought her out. After a few friendly hello sniffs, Rex laid down on his back in a submission position. Yup, that sealed the deal! hah  We renamed “Princess” to Pearl aka Pearly Girl aka Pearl Snaps aka


So why Pearl? I found a beautiful all white dog named Pearl while searching for dogs. I told Cody I wanted to name a dog Pearl one day. Now Pearl is black with white. We laughed at the idea of a black dog named Pearl…then we agreed that Pearl was the perfect name, because we’re cool like that.  😉

This week we celebrate 1 year of Pearl being in our family!! And now for your viewing pleasure, another picture of Pearl. . .


About Jamie Delaney

Vibrant Portrait and Wedding Photographer in Manhattan, Kansas. Jesus Follower. Wife. Mom. Marriage Cheerleader. My desire is to see couples choose to make their marriage a priority. Here you will find encouragement for couples, healthy living tips and the photographic stories of my clients.

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